Saturday, April 25, 2009

America is a Culture soaked in blood, excuse me?

One of the more tiring and moronic claims about the people and culture of the United States is this ridiculous belief that the US is a culture soaked in blood. As the Article in the socialist propaganda machine known as the New York Times suggests, America is a culture of violence because a whopping 16000 murders happen every year, some of them with guns.

"This is an insanely violent society, and the worst of that violence is made insanely easy by the widespread availability of guns."

The author of that article claims America is "insanely" violent and of course guns are the big problem.

Now 16000 dead, with 12000 (as he claims) from guns is a bad thing, though he disregards the fact that 99% of gun use happens to be victims successfully defending themselves from crime. This post is not about gun control, it is about culture.

If the American Culture is insanely violent with 16000 dead out of 300 million people, what would the author call these other cultures in the world.

All of the Islamic countries have the government and religious authorities stoning women to death, sanctioning the enslavement of some and the murder of hundreds of thousands of people in Darfur. These countries have been at war with themselves and everyone they can for centuries and it continues today. Wasn't it the Islamic world that had violent riots resulting in 600 dead over a cartoon in Holland? The Chinese government puts thousands to death for political crimes. Russians in the past murdered 9 million people as an economic program. Places like Iraq have 4 times more guns than people, unlike the US, which only as a 30% gun ownership population. All of South and Central America, Africa, most of Asia are run by despots, warlords and dictators. All of them sanction the murder of millions of people through direct government action or their inaction to stop drug cartels or other criminals. Most of these places are rampant with violence caused by drug trade, prostitution, child prostitution and every other crime. Most of those places require people who work there from the US to be escorted by machine toting soldiers and when you simply visit a hotel in Manila, expect your taxi to be bomb checked.
Then we have the arrogant Europeans the author probably loves. The one part of the world that attempted to conquer everything and genocide half the worlds native people in the process. European countries seem to have riots involving their cars being flipped and burned because they don't like the labor laws being considered and 10000 dead elderly in France from a heat wave because everyone else was on vacation. The political shaman would consider indifference to the plight of dying elderly to be a greater crime than owning a gun. Europeans are responsible for some of the worst and most deadly wars ever. Just read the news from Europe and see how banning guns has not prevented any violence at all.

The fact is America is the safest place too live. The government may be socialist now but it still has not degraded to the point of creating socialist progroms to kill of millions as an economic program, nor are the American socialist in power, capping those who do not share their political beliefs. 16000 dead is bad but in comparison to the rest of the world, it is hardly a reason to declare America is violent. The fact is few Americans own guns and most Americans go through life never seeing any kind of violence. The facts are American is one of the few places where a person does not have to worry about the government sanctioning, demanding or allowing your murder and very few people actually commit crimes at all.

The author of that article is doing a good job with the shell game he is doing to push for gun control. This liberal game is to claim Arabian or Persian or African cultures are not violent because they do not consider the Government violence as a "crime" like murder is. To them this is internal politics not murder. The liberals also do not accept American culture as a real culture, only old world cultures or cultures based on the old world are valid. So any violence their religions do or their culture allows, like stoning a woman to death, is not murder but simply part of a culture we should not interfere with. When you remove all of this murder, they feel they can justufy the claim that these places are less violent than the United States.

I suppose if America is so insanely violent, the Author should move to Pakistan or Arabia, where he will likely be killed for being Christian and he should go alone because any female relatives, will probably end up covered in acid or simply stoned to death. Perhaps he wants to live in the Sudan where genocide is happening or he may want to move too Somalia, where there is no government at all. The Political Shaman would suggest any who believe America is a Culture of insane violence, should visit those places and then consider if American is the violent place they wish it was, so they could push their ideology on the population.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

No nukes, no YF 22s and a global apology from the Prophet Obama

The Prophet Obama has spent weeks apologizing for American, stating over and over, Americans are arrogant, America has been bad for the world and declaring America is not at war with Islam. Thank you Mr. Obama for legitimizing the islamo psychos by legitimizing their claim America is on a crusade. Mr Obama, Prophet of America, we are not at war with Islam, we are defending our right to NOT be the target of these Islamo psychos. We are not on this planet to die at the hands of these islamo fanatics while the democrats smile that their insane belief in peace no matter how many American's die.

Thank you Mr. Obama for insulting America by claiming we are more arrogant than the Europeans, one continent full of socialist governments who are the world's example of the worst kind of arrogance.

Thank you also Mr Obama for shutting down the YF 22 program ensuring that China, Russia and other nations gain air superiority with new aviation technology, while America makes do with designs from 30+ years ago. Thank you too, Mr Obama for ensuring we get nuked by other nations while we can't defend ourselves or strike back.

Democrats thank you again for ensuring we are weak and the rest of the world can take America in pieces all in the name of your power and ideology.

This isn't socialism, really?

The Prophet Obama has apparently declared himself the CEO of all companies in America. The argument is these companies that need bailouts, need bailouts due to their incompetence and somehow that gives the President of the United States the authority to dictate the firing of CEOs and Chairmen, as well as dictating who companies will merge with and what these companies should sell.

Where in the Constitution is authority granted to the US government to nationalize and take over the operations of private companies. The only examples of this would be European socialist governments, Soviet Unions, Communist China, Communist Venezuela and others.

Research into the Prophet Obama's past does not reveal where he earned experience as a corporate head of any business. Yet, he is taking control?

Perhaps it makes sense. After all the only businesses that need bailouts are the ones that are the most heavily regulated by the government as well as one of those industries suffering from the government regulated racketeering the unions do.

Besides the nationalism of certain industries, the democrats are imposing socialist programs, taking more money than any previous government. They are using the plight of the poor, regulating the biosphere through carbon output because they know it has no effect and cant be measured, they created a recession and are doing everything possible to turn it into a recession.

The government is starting to find ways to shut down free speech in the form of talk radio and with the homeland security developing a McCarthy style hit list declaring anyone who does not follow liberal ideals is a radical and potentially dangerous.

Yet the democrats and their brainwashed follower still claim this isn't socialism?

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Prophet Obama is going to make a nuclear weapons free world. Don't the liberals ever learn from their past mistakes?

The Prophet Obama declared today that he will work diligently to remove the scourge of nuclear weapons from the planet. Great, so he wants to go back to the same plans the Liberals had for dealing with imperial Japan and Hitler's Germany.

Back then the liberals had everyone sign the Treaty of Versailles and other treaties. The League of Nations started and all of them were for basically a non-proliferation of war, the reduction of the military and restricting weapon power, notably the size and power of battleships. Other treaties, such as treaties with the PLO, with Pakistan over Kashmir, with Saddam Hussein and others all have the same common problem liberals do not seem to understand.

You can't make treaties with tyrants, despots, fanatics and megalomaniacs.

Germany invaded many places before WWII, Japan was colonizing and destroying Korea both countries built Battleships far exceeding those laid out in the treaty. Italy was colonizing Ethiopia. Pakistan eventually invaded Kashmir and the PLO(PA Today) has attacked people breaking treaties for the last 40 years. North Korea today is breaking treaties, Iran has done so forever. All of these places have signed onto the UN, which requires human rights yet most of the so called countries that are part of the UN are despotic regimes that are basically thugs who have claimed a plot of land and are pillaging the people living there.

The Prophet Obama like most democrats and liberals miss one very important philosophical point, it is not the weapons that are the problem, it is the despots and tyrants that are the problem. If you sign a treaty with them, they will shake your hand with a big smile knowing Obama and the libs will comply with the treaty, which means weakening the country so these despots can secretly build up what they will need to invade a weakened country.

Had liberals in the 1930s, actually understood this very basic concept, they may have acted before millions died and German and Japanese hands.

If The Prophet Obama and his liberal disciples really want to end war, they need to start promoting the removal of the bad parts of cultures that create despots and a people that allow despots to rule them. American is successful because it was able to throw off old world tradition and culture, it is this action that will do more to end war than removing weapons from the peaceful people of earth, while leaving the violent megalomaniacs with the only weapons around pointed at peaceful people.

Do us a favor Obama and keep the military strong and let the world know the people of the United States are not the targets of some fanatical tyrant to gain power and plunder.