Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The democrats managed to steal yet another election only this time they have filibuster proof control, welcome back the depression everyone.

All hail the Democrat party, the new Marxists with one party rule.

Minnesota finally succumbed to the democrats and allowed Al Franken to take the last Senate seat still undecided Franken is known as one of the most Marxist liberals in the democrat party.

The problem is this gives the democrats the 60 vote majority in the Senate, which means the republicans will be unable to filibuster.

Expect the price of everything to rise as the carbon cap and tax plan goes into effect, obamacare becomes the new socialist health care plan and should the Prophet Obama and the democrats decide to spend yet another couple of trillion dollars we don't have or nationalize a few more industries, there is NO way to prevent them.

As previously posted in http://thepoliticalshaman.blogspot.com/2009/02/history-who-was-in-power-during.html , The democrats are the only party to have had Filibuster proof control as well as a majority in the House and own the Executive branch.

The 1960s and the 1930s were those decades. Considering both decades were full of the democrats causing some of the worse conditions the US has faced, these jackasses have managed to get in power again.

So the question is will Venezuela, Iran and N Korea and likely some unknown nations attack America or will we be mired in a Vietnam like war? The democrats did that before. We the democrats under the false argument of staying out of internal politics allow al qaida to become a Nazi like power that threatens all? The liberal democrats did that during the 1930s.
The democrats also resided over the majority of the worst economy America has yet faced in the Great depression the democrats only made worse, unless of course their plan is to have yet another world war to end the current economic crisis. The 1960s economy was also bad and they are in power today, doing exactly what they did in those historical decades, actions that proved to fail.

The Prophet Obama is appointing racist or at least arrogant latina judges into power as well as handing over government responsibility for the census to Acorn, yet another racist entity that seems to also be run by criminals. Are the democrats bringing back segregation only with a different race oppressed? Are we going to see battles for equal rights again, only this time the races and groups the democrats have not in their infinite wisdom, deemed worthy enough of being called human to share in equality, only to foot the bill for it.

This is the worst political climate America has seen in 40 years. The democrats have NO history of ever doing anything good, this party are the ones who have been in full power in the last 80 years and they are at fault for nearly every problem we have. There is no evidence that these democrat jackasses will do anything good, while history shows they will take a bad situation and make it so much worse that can be imagined.

Wake up America, Socialists control the Democrat party and their actions would make Karl Marx happy. If we do not stop them, there will not be a country left because once they take everything and run, the rest of use will likely be overrun because there will be no military left to protect us.

The goal of the democrats is to take care of everything, which means they have to take everything to take care of it. With the fool republicans blocked from Filibuster, the democrats will destroy what little freedom is left because freedom is the only thing that stands in the way of socialism.

From this point on everything is the fault of the democrats, they have no possible way of blaming republicans. The Political Shaman will predict that the liberal media and the socialist democrats will continue to blame Republicans for the problems Democrats cause.


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