Yes the stuff each animal and human exhales and each plant needs to live.
Cap and trade as it is called is essentially the liberals creating a "right to pollute" for each entity and individual that exists in the United States. This right to pollute is Caped at a certain amount based on some insane formulas that the liberals will ensure their special interests are protected and even gain from this, while everyone else pays. The Tax or trade part comes in. If an entity such as a liberal protected college does not use their allotment of pollution rights for carbon dioxide, the college can sell the unused allotment to other businesses, which is where the tax comes in. So the favored industries and organizations will gain money from this, as will the government, since most favored entities are government controlled, while the rest of us will see prices on everything go up, essentially creating a tax.
Here is a break down of what the liberals pretend will happen and what will actually occur.
1. The intent of this Cap and Tax nonsense is the supposed belief that somehow this will reduce Carbon emissions. What will really happen is the favored entities will have a near unlimited quantity of Carbon rights, which can be sold to others, ensuring no one needs to reduce anything.
2. The actual effect of Cap and Trade is inflation through this unrepresented tax. The targeted industries and people are those who produce energy, those who make devices that use energy and those people who use the devices. In effect nearly everyone not protected by the Democrats will see the tax. By taxing energy and its use so heavily, the price of everything will go up. Nothing in the United States can exist without energy, we could not harvest, store and market enough food or any other need or desire without energy, so the net effect is massive inflation
3. There is no human caused global warming nor is CO2 the culprit. As Professor Bob Carter demonstrates in the linked YouTube CO2 is not the problem. Each ice age had a warming period in between and the earth today is in one of those warming periods. The data shows the rate of warming and the duration is within the normal activities of past warming periods, all of which occurred before humans existed. The data shows that CO2 rises after temperature rises and this effect has repeatedly occurred between iceages going back as far as the evidence exists. It is impossible for rising CO2 to cause temperatures to rise, if the CO2 rises after the temperature. As noticed for the last 11 years, CO2 continues to rise, yet the temperature has actually dropped.
4. While CO2 is a "greenhouse" gas and capable of reflecting heat back into the earth, it ability to reflect sunlight does not grow as more carbon is in the atmosphere. The liberals claim that the continued rise of CO2 in the atmosphere will in fact reflect more and more heat. The fact is it reflects only so much heat and once at the maximum, any more CO2 has no effect. A comparison example would be sunglasses made to block all light. You could make the glasses darker but once they already block all light, any more light blocking material has no effect. CO2 is exactly the same as this sunglasses example. The excess carbon, assuming it is excess has no net effect on the greenhouse effect.
With CO2 a base molecule in the biosphere of the planet, it is impossible to know how much should be in the atmosphere, when we have too much or too little.
What Cap and Trade does for the liberals is allow them to create a problem that does not exist and then make the claim they can tax it until it fixes itself. This is perfect for a despotic regime. A perpetual source of money and a permanent reason to regulate and control anything in the United States. This works because the liberals defined the imaginary problem, defined the bogus cause and can sell snake oil to solve the problem. The Political Shaman suggests that Cap and Tax is simply another way for the liberals to maintain power, obtain money and create more of both whenever desired.
With the Democrats now owning all of the government with a filibuster proof senate, we can be assured of having Cap and Trade/Tax go into effect.
The real and honest concern is why the liberal and democrat voters want these idiot politicians messing around with the biosphere of the planet. Politicians have no history of doing anything useful and every problem we have can trace its roots back to politicians by their action or inaction.
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