The insanity of the Prophet Obama knows no bounds when it comes too Islam. He is again apologizing for America, basically saying we are bad and somehow we are responsible for Islam being a violent religion. Sorry but it is. Unlike other religions which were violent in the past, Islam has not yet rejected the notion that you can genocide and murder in the name of spreading your religion and they still have as part of their dogma the idea that women are less than human and can be murdered for any transgression. Slavery is still accepted and every one of the Muslim countries are backwaters, with no real governments. Sure two have some form of democracy if you include Turkey and Iraq but Iraq still is not fully committed too sense but Turkey still has the culture of Islam which allows murder and assault as punishment for women.
Over 1400 years of history shows what Islam is, constant attempts too invade others, genocide and enslave whomever they don't like. Now this is not too say they are unique as history shows most religions have violence and insane dogma as part of their history. The difference between Islam and the other religions is all of the other popular religions and most of the less prominent religions have rejected the idea of war and murder too further their cause. Some of these religions also accept women as actual humans and don't enslave or kill them outright just because they are women. However, Islam not only has not changed and removed the old world insane dogma and culture they seem intent on keeping it.
Obviously there are many members of Islam, likely a majority who are decent people and have rejected the insane parts of their religion. The problem is the people who lead these countries, sects and organizations of Islam, have not rejected the idea of suppressing women and killing everyone else.
The middle east and all other Islamic countries need too reject the parts of their culture and religion that promote violence and insane behavior. Each of these places could be wonderful if the would just change for the better. Past islamic empires were quite capable for living a great life. Though these like all old empires had both good and bad mixed together, Islam seems too have stagnated by its inability too remove the insane ideas from their culture.
Obama and the liberals do not understand this. Islam's problems began long before America exisited. American has done nothing at all too cause anyone too want too kill all Americans. We do not enslave anyone, we do not stone women too death, we do not kidnap women and rape them as a 4th wife. We do not subjugate our people too dictators and authoritarian regimes. All of these actions are what Islam does. Islam can be blamed because in all of the above atrocities, the governments of Islam encourage and sanction these behaviours and in many cases the government is the perpetrator of the crimes.
Prophet Obama your only message too Islam should have been simply this: We Americans are not on this planet too be the target of Islamic sociopaths. We are not the means too power for Islam and our bodies are not the tool Islam will use too vent its anger or gain Islam power. We reject the Islamic belief that every one not of Islam is an enemy and should be converted, enslaved or killed. We have the right too defend our lives from attacks from insane people claiming too follow Islam and we have the right too destroy anyone who will attempt too kill Americans or destroy our way of life.
That is the message of America, we are free and we will defend our lives from anyone who would kill or enslave us, including defending ourselves from Islam.
What Obama said was it is all Americas fault and for some reason Obama claims the US president is the PR spokesman for Islam.
Thank you Democrats for inflicting us with the Prophet Obama.
I will not live in a Socialist/Communist America. We are losing it fast. It's time we march...